I am interested in joining the cause.
Please let us know how you would like to be involved in our Ministry for Life. Check one or more areas of interest and someone will be in touch.
Not able to join but would like to be a sponsor of the St Ambrose BLESS Ministry for Life?
You can still be an important part of our Mission. Funds are needed for training, educational materials, programs, and supplies.
$250+ Heartbeat Sponsor
$100+ Loving Hands Sponsor
$50+ Pink Sponsor
$25+ Blue Sponsor
All donations are tax-deductible.
Please make checks out to: St Ambrose BLESS Ministry for Life.
Checks /envelopes may be mailed to:
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
ATTN: BLESS Ministry
380 South Federal Highway
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
or placed in the collection basket at any Mass.